Brake Cable: Odyssey top, Vocal Lowers
Brake caliper: Fly Bikes
Brake pads: Demolition
Gyro: Odyssey GTX-R
Chain: Dartmoor Core
Sprocket: Eclat
Cranks: DK Social
BB set: Dartmoor Spanish
Pedals: Superstar
Seat: Total Emroidered Brit Seat Combo
Front tire: Khe Mac2 Kevlar
Front rim: Macneil Dub Rim
Front hub: Profile Mini Ti Axle

Rear Rim: Gsport Rollcage
Rear tire: KHE Mac1.5 Kevlar
Rear hub: Shadow Raptor v2
How many tubes do you go through?
Matty Dinn: I ride indoor so I haven't had a puncture for months luckily!
What your favourite part of your bike?
Matty Dinn: My whole set up feels so sick right now and I love it all, but my favourite part's definitely the frame, would suggest it to anyone looking for a new frame!
How hard do you tighten your axles?
Matty Dinn: Until the bolts won't move anymore!

Matty Dinn: 90psi in the front and 100psi in the back, hard tyres = fast bike!
Do you ever modify your bike to ride different styles?
Matty Dinn: I only ever ride park really so no, I put pegs on occasionally for a change though.

Matty Dinn: Allen Keys, 17mm Socket, Spoke Key, Chain Tool, Wire Cutters and Insulation Tape
Thanks to?
Matty Dinn: Graham for hookin' me up with a sick set up, my mates I ride with Crush, Jake Williams, Kameron Ellis and Declan o'Connor, and Evolution extreme skatepark in Deeside for letting me ride there everyday!