When walking the streets of Tokyo Travis Collier took us o a BMX/skate shop in town where I was given a copy of a Japanese BMX magazine called DegreeBMX. It's always nice to see new magazines even if it's impossible to read Japanese. Volume 2 sets you back 300 JPNYEN (3 Canadian bucks according to Travis). What you get is an A5 size full colour glossy BMX 'zine with a Marbow spotlight, Repo on the King of Ground, Endpoint 81, Rollin' on stage skate vibes, Respect the roots, E-news, Product section and more. Next to the good portion of flatland coverage it also has its fair share of ramp/street riding. The man in charge is
Hajime Yamazaki who can be contacted at:
Ph/Fax: +81-50-1018-3866
Tokyo, Japan.