Warning: This magazine was rated "Grade-A Shite" by the Committee of Retentively and Parent. Any persons disgusted by the crap on these pages are invited to tearout the offending material, wipe their arse with it and send it to... Touching cloth - c/o Sir Hanz Scheisse, No 2 Brown Alley, Shitlington, for re-smearing. Welcome to Rebelyell's Crap issue. So much shit talking going on these days that they dedicated a whole issue to crap talking. Pretty funny if you think of it. It's issue 7 of Rebelyell magazine and those who have picked up a copy of the mag before, will know it's still worth the AU$ 9.95. It comes with a free Steadfast DVD, and has reports from the Drains Jam in Sydney called Thrash for Cash, Talking Crap is fun article, Shit talking Bio's, Get Fringe or die trying-DK interview, Rampfest, Filth threads (fashion) and a Do Not Crop photo gallery.
Check this shit out, go to