RIDE UK # 162 is almost there. That means that you can expect a report of Ben Hennon's "Out House" event here on FATBMX in the next couple of days. RIDE UK was at the private event and no coverage was supposed to go out until the magazine arrived. We could mess this up by posting the "Our House" report today and tell you who won and who did what, but that wasn't how it was supposed to work so we'll wait a few more days. What you cannot see on he cover on the right is the stickers it will come with. They'll be wrapped around on the left of the magazine and that's why the logo has been printed like that. Skavenger flow rider,
Dan Barber scores this month’s front cover with a savage opposite pegs grind on this harsh concrete setup. Other articles you can see in the new mag are: adidas in Seville, Leicester SBM Crew, Casselberry trails, Alex Valentino article and loads more. Get ready. Check the mail.