Masterbuilder JD SENNID and the GENERAL LEE have changed the famous SUGARHILLS trails in Aarle-Rixtel last weekend. Together with a lot of locals and a bulldozer provided by the city of Laarbeek they worked their ass off to make new lines. You can find 2 big jumps right from the higher/steeper starting hill and going to a big berm coming back with 4 jumps with all kinds of transfer posibilities ending in a big berm/pool and a wall ride. Of course it is not ready yet but if you come over with a shovel it will be ready sooner so don't be lazy and help the SUGARHILL locals to make the trails better than ever before.
FAT JAM 2007 will be the date that everything must be ready so every help is needed.
Thanks to the City of Laarbeek,
Dennis Keurnen, Michael v/d Lee, Asa and all the local kids that made this happen, the SUGARHILLS are back on track again!