We want lighter frames, we want stronger parts and we want cheaper bikes. This doesn't always go hand in hand. We checked in with Mirraco's "Product guy" Jean-Luc Ferre who gives us an insight on triple butting, tubing thickness, heat treating and that sort of stuff.
Weight is a big factor for BMX bikes these days. What can be done to a frame to save weight?
Jean Luc: Obviously, reducing the thickness and diameter of the tubing plays a big role. There is a limit, though, in how far we can go for both. Using single, double or triple-butted tubing is another mean of reducing weight by optimizing tube thickness where needed. Other ways of reducing weight:
- Designing smaller and thinner dropouts (5 or 4mm thick), heat-treatment is required in that case,
- Using smaller BB shells and bearings (Euro is most likely the lightest type),
- Reducing the thickness of the head tube (same, heat-treatment is required in that case).