Shop name: Back Bone BMX
Location: Belconnen, Canberra, Australia
Years in business: 2021 is our 16th year!
Best year yet: Every year is a good year
Worst year yet: Last year was difficult and the most challenging, but I don’t know if we’ve had a ‘worst year’. We’ve had some tough years, but we don’t want to get stuck thinking about them too much.
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Tyson Jones-Peni: COVID had been kicking around internationally, but we were always optimistic, and probably pretty naïve. We ran a local competition on March 22nd, which was meant to be the first event of a year full of events. We took all of the necessary COVID precautions and thought the event was a success – but literally, that night, the Prime Minister of Australia addressed the country and announced that lockdown would take place that very next day.
Store name: 360 bicycles sl
Years in business: 16
Best year so far: 2019
Worst year so far: 2012
What were his first thoughts on Covid-19 when it arrived?
Pere Tafalla: I thought it was more serious than what the news said.
Did you take any action from the beginning or did you think this would end in a few weeks?
Shop name: RampFest Indoor Skate Park
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Years in business: 12
Best year yet: 2019 / 2020
Worst year yet: 2014. This really depends on how you measure - 2020 was crazy, but when we were open, business was really good. End of 19 / start of 2020 was our best period for visitors. 2021 should be the best yet, it’s started well.
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Shop name: 360 Grad Sportshop
Location: Lohhof/Munich/Germany
Years in business: This year is our 30th year in business. Funny thing is, that it feels like yesterday when I started this venture. The shops keeps me young, kinda….
Best year yet: 2014, but 2020 was a really good year too.
Worst year yet: Not considering the first years where you hardly earn any money at all, 2018 was a tough one.
2020 has been, well, different. When did Covid-19 turn up and start influencing your business?
Thomas Stellwag: First Lockdown in Germany went down in March 2020. This lasted till May 2020. It was definitely a hard time, but a lot of our customers showed their loyality and support by ordering online. In June and July we opened again and sold more BMX bikes than ever.
Did you take any action from the start or were you thinking this would be over in a few weeks?
Thomas Stellwag: For some reaosons I never believed this would be over soon. So we tried to make our shop as safe as possible. We bought masks, sanitizer and a sneeze guard for our counter. We only let in three customers at once so there was enough disctance for everyone.
Shop name: Strictly BMX
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Years in business: 25
Best year yet: 2020
Worst year yet: 2020 for different reasons
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Tim Williams: Obviously, no one knew what the year would bring, how long it would last, or which industries would be worst impacted. There was just a lot of uncertainty around staffing, sales and of course supply.
Did you take any action from the start or were you thinking this would be over in a few weeks?
Tim Williams: We managed to get a few large orders through to various suppliers in time to keep stock
Shop name: Kegel's Bicycle Store
Location: Rockford, IL. USA
Years in business: I have records that start in 1927 so that is what I go by, but we are also related to the world's oldest Harley Davidson dealership and they are over 100 years old. I have owned it since 1997.
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Robb Sinks: The first three weeks of C19 we were very slow, then the weather warmed up and it was unbelievably busy.
Did you take any action from the start or were you thinking this would be over in a few weeks?
Robb Sinks: I watched the news and and it was a moving target, so we just rolled with the punches.
Now, being in this situation for many months, how did you manage to keep your business rolling?
Robb Sinks: I am constantly on the phone and computer checking back orders, looking for parts/bikes securing as much product as possible for this season. It is going to be a hard year product wise, so I am being as proactive now as possible.
The supply chain has also suffered. Has it been a challenge getting the bikes/product in stock
Shop name: Circuit BMX Shop
Location: Pawtucket RI
Years in business: 15
Best year yet: 2020
Worst year yet: 2009
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Victor Bettencourt: Personally I thought, oh shit. This is it, we are shutting down and we will be struggling for a little while. It ended up being quite the opposite.
Shop name: Signature Bmx
Location: Vantaa, Finland
Years in business: 15
Best year yet: 2010
Worst year yet: 2020
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Signature Bmx: A bit worried if we can keep the shop open.
Did you take any action from the start or were you thinking this would be over in a few weeks?
Signature Bmx: We stocked some sanitizers and disinfectants immediately. It was pretty obvious this will take some time. Finnish people keep distance naturally and don't socialize too much so it's been quite easy. We're definitely not a hugging nation.
Shop name: BMX24SEVEN
Location: BOXMEER, NL
Years in business: 21 YEARS
Best year yet: 2019
Worst year yet: Our company grew every year, in 2020 we cannot continue the growth.
2020 has been, well, different. When did Covid-19 turn up and start influencing your business?
Sander Bisseling: Almost immediately, when covid 19 appeared in China at the end of 2019, this had a direct impact on deliveries and productions that we deal with.
Did you take any action from the start or were you thinking this would be over in a few weeks?
Shop name: Mr. B's
Location: 250 S. Ronald Reagan Blvd #118 Longwood, Florida 32750 USA
Years in business: 11
Best year yet: 2019
Worst year yet: 2001-2003
What were your first thoughts on Covid-19 when it hit?
Chad DeGroot: Little bit of panic and wondering if my shop would have to shut down. Very worried about losing business.
Did you take any action from the start or were you thinking this would be over in a few weeks?